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Developing a Mindset That is Deeply & Fully Committed to Your Weight Loss Journey
There are many things to consider when deciding to commit to a journey of improved health specifically relating to weight loss. We’ll highlight a few important traits needed for managing this journey, with good self-awareness, accountability and one that doesn’t knock...
6 Quick Wins in the Kitchen
The kitchen set up you have at home and the way you utilise it can offer a huge advantage towards achieving your health and fitness goals, but more importantly sustaining them once they’ve been achieved. In today’s blog we’ll run through six quick and easy ways to...
Join Our Team – Mobile Personal Trainer Wanted
If you have enthusiasm, a positive attitude and a fitness qualification, we have a fulfilling personal training position just for you! Based in North West London PGPT is dedicated to helping men and women achieve their health and fitness goals through customised...
Why We Should All Squat
Quick disclaimer: I am not a sports doctor or scientist. Despite the above title, I do recognise there is a very small percentage of the population who may have a genuine reason not to weight train their legs. However, in this blog I want to dispel some myths...
Executive Fitness Programme for Business Men & Women
Getting results has never been an easy process in anything we do… we’d all love a magic pill, but there just isn’t one. 2020 has been the most challenging year in many of our lives and as we continue to work in a more restrictive climate, motivation is at an...
How to build self discipline to achieve your fitness goals
As we all know, getting results is not an easy process; There is no magic pill to achieve your fitness goals, instead a combination of determination, passion, dedication and self-discipline is required. So how do we create an environment and a mindset that helps us...
Is There a ‘Best Rate’ for Weight Loss?
For many people who want to lose weight, especially those who have a lot of weight to lose, getting down to your ‘target weight’ can seem like a long Road… Losing weight gradually over a long period of time has always been thought to be the safest way to do it;...
10 Personal Training Health Benefits for Senior Executives
We have written many times about the health issues and risks faced by executives and business owners due to the hectic and high-pressure nature of their jobs. Thankfully, good diet and exercise can often provide solutions and preventions that will make a senior...
Understand Your Pain & Manage It
Pain is much more than an unpleasant sensation. It can disrupt one’s livelihood, cause anxiety, high stress levels and be debilitating depending on cause, injury, and length of time experienced. Pain is a phenomenon that unfortunately is largely misunderstood and...
Ready… set… go! A Guide for Returning to the Gym Efficiently
Due to the recent circumstances and safety measures set to battle the covid-19 pandemic, gyms across the UK have been shut for what is now a long 4 months. But now they are reopening! PGPT wanted to create a quick start guide for all the keen gym goers who have...