Is bread good or bad for you?

We speak a lot about nutrition, this is because a healthy mind and body is not purely down to exercise, food can determine your mood, your weight and your general wellbeing. I often get asked about bread…is it good or is it bad? This year I decided to give myself 2...

Fad Diet Review

I wanted to review Fad diets, there are many misconceptions about dieting and what works. Having tried a few diets in the past, I wanted to share with you my knowledge and experience in these eating behaviours which we all read about and sometimes try. Fad Diet Review...

How do we gauge success in life?

Is it measured by financial success? Emotional success? Family success? Everyone looks at success through different lenses.  If we take the example of emotional success and we specifically look at happiness as a marker for success all would agree that if we aren’t...

My love of protein and fats

When I decided that I wanted to really transform my body and get an athletic figure, I knew that my training would not be enough on its own. So I looked into my diet. It was daunting. Where should I start? I found there were hundreds of articles all saying different...

Choosing the right trainer

Have you ever turned up to a sports shop and felt really overwhelmed at the amount of variety there is in sports shoes? I know I have and I’m an expert in gait analysis and biomechanics. Once you find a trainer that works, stick with it. For me, I’ve been...

Should Women Lift Weights?

  Undoubtedly you’ve heard the myths about woman lifting weights? It will make you bulky, your arms will be too butch or once you start lifting you can’t stop and the worst of the lot, it will turn into fat if you do decide to take a break from...