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5 Dieting Mistakes People Do When Trying to Lose Weight?
There are many things we thing we’re doing for the best, but here is where you may be going wrong: Hidden sugar Excess sugar in any form will contribute to weight gain, as it generates the release of insulin which encourages the body to lay down fat stores. Stocking...
5 Easy Ways to Boost Your Metabolism
Many of us feel like we are stuck with our metabolism for life, and you may feel that you have no control over your metabolism. In fact, there are many things that you can do in order to boost your metabolism! Why not arrange for a personal trainer consultation? A...
Client of the month: Michael Pollak
This blog is close to home for me as Michael is a dear friend of mine. In a matter of 6 months Michael has begun a complete transformation and journeys like this, make being in the health and fitness industry worthwhile. Michael is on a 12 month programme and...
Why is it Important to Exercise When You Work in an Office?
Do you work in an office all day? Struggling to find time to exercise? No matter your field of work, looking after your health and well-being is always important. When you work in an office all day, it is crucial that you take the time to exercise and work on your...
How Exercise Affects Mental Performance
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3 Easy Ways to Incorporate Fitness into Your Routine
When you are working in a high profile, demanding job, it can be a real challenge to find time to focus on your health and well-being. Fortunately, there are plenty of easy ways you can incorporate fitness into your routine today. The personal trainer at home...
Trash Talk and Food
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5 Fitness Tips for Busy Executives
Creating balance between work and life can be a real challenge for busy executives. Between work and personal life, it can seem almost impossible to find the time to focus on your health and well-being, but with the help of an at home personal trainer from PGPT,...
I want to talk anxiety
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5 Benefits of Working Out with Your Partner
With romance in the air, many of us may lose our focus on fitness and turn our attention to our loved ones, but why can’t we keep a balance between the two? Well, with the help of bespoke personal training from PGPT, you can stay fit while spending quality time...