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Process Vs Outcome
What is the difference between process goals and outcome goals? A Process goal is focusing on the journey rather than necessarily the end result. An outcome ‘IS’ the end result. In Relation to fitness, it is important to have both. In order for someone to achieve a...
2 Things You Must Do to Reach Your Fitness Goals
So many of us have tried and failed to achieve our fitness goals throughout our life, however, if you stick to these two things, you will reach your fitness goals. With outdoor personal training from PGPT you can be sure that you will achieve all your fitness goals...
SMART goal setting
Now that we’re a couple of weeks into January, how many of you have stuck to your new year’s resolution? Unfortunately, client’s and people trying to lose weight or get fitter or stronger are always too generic with their goal settings The SMART principle is a...
10 Things You Can Do to Achieve Your Fitness Goals
Have you set any fitness goals for 2017? Do you want to achieve your fitness goals for this summer? Or would you like to change your lifestyle? Whatever you may be looking to achieve from your fitness, PGPT and one of our excellent trainers in London can help you....
What do successful people do to stay in shape?
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Client of the year
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Setting Fitness Goals for 2017
Looking for a personal trainer? Are you fed up of giving up on your fitness goals? Determined to stick to your New Year’s Resolutions in 2017? Or are you just looking to get fit this year? Whatever your reasons for setting your resolutions this year, you can be...
Living for the weekend
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Why Should Your Fitness Be Part of Your New Year Resolution?
We have all heard the phrase “new year, new me”, and the new year is a great time to change your lifestyle and improve your lifestyle choices. As we reach the new year, you should really consider your health and fitness choices, and make changes, not just for a...
4 Easy Ways to Avoid Gaining Weight Over the Holidays
Over the festive period it becomes all to easy to put on a few extra pounds, between work parties and large family dinners, our health and fitness tends to take a back seat. However, it doesn’t have to be this way! As hard as that may be to believe, you can keep...