Peter Gaffney

Staying Healthy While You Fly

Do you travel a lot for business? Does it get to the point where airport lounges become the norm? If the answer is yes allow me to go on. How do you handle the disruption a flight can cause to your diet and more importantly to your weight loss goal? Below I list 5...

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Cheat and still win

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How do we gauge success in life?

Is it measured by financial success? Emotional success? Family success? Everyone looks at success through different lenses.  If we take the example of emotional success and we specifically look at happiness as a marker for success all would agree that if we aren’t...

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Choosing the right trainer

Have you ever turned up to a sports shop and felt really overwhelmed at the amount of variety there is in sports shoes? I know I have and I'm an expert in gait analysis and biomechanics. Once you find a trainer that works, stick with it. For me, I’ve been wearing Nike...

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We all need one. And we should all take one…

A holiday! But how do we cope with the change of your workout and food routines while away? I’m not perfect while away and I don't claim to be. However I do take personal responsibility while away. I try and make the best out of the situation and always try and manage...

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5 training tips for weight loss

(in no specific order) 1) always incorporate legs training into your exercise programme (best exercise for weight loss in the gym is heavy barbell squats) 2) don’t just do long steady state cardio. Try at least 2 sessions a week of either, hill sprints, interval...

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Good and bad fat

So my friend Tom the other day asked me something. "Pete is it true that there is good and bad fat? Surely all fat is bad?" So I thought I'd set the record straight about some myths and misconceptions about fat. Yes fat is more calorific than protein or carbohydrates....

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Personal Training in Bushey and Radlett

PGPT have been supporting senior executives and CEOs in Bushey, Radlett and London for the last 14 years. The busier and more successful someone is, the less time they seem to have for their health and fitness. If this sounds like you and you are a busy CEO in Bushey...

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