Great Ways to Stay Motivated

Exercising and staying fit can be challenging, and finding the motivation to keep going can be a struggle. At PGPT, we want to keep you on track with these tips on ways to stay motivated!

Set a Clear Goal

Without setting a clear goal of what you want to achieve, it can be difficult to find ways to stay motivated and to get up and exercise. Whether you set a weight loss goal, or aim to run a marathon, having a clear image of what you want to achieve will help you focus on your fitness. If you have a goal and know when you aim to achieve it by, it is much easier to motivate and push yourself.

Find ways to stay motivated by setting goals - weighing scales and tape measure used to measure progress

If you struggle to set and keep to your goals, a personal trainer can serve as a reminder of your goals. They can help you to set achievable, realistic goals, which will act as a great source of motivation to keep up your exercise routine.


Often, when we start to exercise and work on our fitness, someone is not relying on us showing up and getting the exercise done. This can lead to a struggling to find ways to stay motivated; as the only person you are letting down is yourself. A great solution to this problem is a personal trainer. A mobile personal trainer holds you accountable, forcing you to show up – no more excuses. This makes it much harder to skip a work-out and a personal trainer will provide you with positive reinforcement as you push yourself towards your goals.

Ways to Stay Motivated With a Personal Trainer

If you are lacking in motivation to get out and get fit, a personal trainer is perfect for you. You will no longer be searching for excuses, as you are held accountable for your actions. A personal trainer will help you set your fitness goals and keep you on track towards achieving these goals. Furthermore, a personal trainer will come to you, so you no longer need to pluck up the courage to go to the gym.

If you are interested in our personal trainers, then get in touch – we would love to help you.