We now know the importance of incorporating fitness into our daily routine but as the days shorten and the weather turns colder, winter cravings start to set it. We start to crave fatty foods and many of us can lose the motivation to get up and exercise. Thankfully, in home fitness training with a personal trainer can help you beat those cravings and keep you in shape as we approach the festive season.
Why Does the Cold Weather Make Us Crave More Food?
Your cravings for heavy foods in the run up to winter are all natural instincts, similar to that of other mammals. You naturally crave these foods as your body prepares for lower temperatures and fight of common winter illnesses such as the flu and the common cold. These hearty foods help protect us during the colder weather and often make the depressing weather that little more bearable.

Beat your winter cravings with a personal trainer
The dull and cold winter days can often leave many of us feeling depressed and pretty down, making us turn to comfort food which are often connected to happy memories. All this on top of spending more time inside and less time out socialising can have a huge impact on your fitness and diet, forcing you to work harder when it comes round to summer again. Thankfully, with in home fitness training, you do not need to face another long, hard winter alone.
Eat Full Meals
By eating three healthy and hearty meals a day, you should be able to beat your cravings by feeling full and satisfied for longer periods of time. This should stop your cravings for sugary and fatty snacks and stop you from binging on large snacks throughout the day. Take a look at these foods which can help you beat those winter cravings.
Prioritise Exercise
Even if the cold weather has left you feeling tired and demotivated, it is vital to keep on top of your fitness. You don’t have to go outside to keep fit, and there are plenty of great activities you can do in the cold weather to keep in shape. Whether it’s sledging with the kids or shovelling the drive, they are all small things you can do to keep on top of your fitness during the winter. Another great way to stay fit all year round is with in home fitness training. A personal trainer will come to a place which suits you, whether that is at home in your living room or at work over your lunch break. In home fitness training with a personal trainer will keep you motivated and on track with your fitness, no matter the weather.
In Home Fitness Training
If you are interested in keeping fit and improving your fitness with a mobile personal trainer, then get in touch to find out what PGPT can do for you.
Thanks to pixabay.com for the photo.