Over the festive period it becomes all to easy to put on a few extra pounds, between work parties and large family dinners, our health and fitness tends to take a back seat. However, it doesn’t have to be this way! As hard as that may be to believe, you can keep fit, even at Christmas time. Why not hire a personal trainer from PGPT and make sure you can stay in shape over the festive period!
Portion Size
Over Christmas and New Year, portion size certainly increases and your waistline increases along with it. However, if you take extra care and consider your portions, you can keep those extra calories (and pounds) at bay.
With a big day of eating ahead of you, it is far too easy to skip breakfast in an attempt to eat less, however, this will only slow down your metabolism. By eating breakfast, you are able to curb your hunger, and this will minimise your chances of snacking in the run up to your big lunch or dinner. Getting breakfast in will ensure that you are not starving before the big Christmas dinner and will encourage you to eat sensibly throughout the day.

Personal Trainer
Pace Yourself
Christmas dinner is certainly a large meal, and generally substantially larger than a normal meal. If you rush your meal, chances are you are going to eat beyond the point of feeling full as you do not give your body enough time to let you know that you are full. This is because your body is actually quite slow in letting you know that you are full. If you take your time eating and pace yourself, then you will know when you actually feel full – rather than eating far too much and feeling uncomfortably full once it is too late.
Stay Active
Between the colder weather and the excitement of the festive period all too many of us slow down and forget to exercise. This only adds to those pounds we pile on over Christmas and New Year. Even if you just do small, simple things such as going for a walk or a light jog, it will have a huge impact on your health and fitness. Furthermore, if you continue to exercise throughout winter and the festive period, you don’t need to worry about the mad rush to lose weight for summer in the New Year. When you hire a personal trainer from PGPT, you can keep on track towards your fitness goals, even over Christmas. Whether you work out from the comfort of your own home, or in the local park, a personal trainer will keep you motivated, even on the coldest and hardest of days. Check out our last post for some expert tips on how to stay motivated.

Personal Trainer
Hire a Personal Trainer From PGPT
Looking to avoid gaining weight this Christmas? Then a personal trainer from PGPT can help you stay in shape this winter. With professional advice as well as providing you with a level of accountability, a personal trainer can really help you keep fit over winter. Furthermore, a personal trainer can come to you, so you don’t even have to step out your front door this winter! Get in touch if you are interested in finding out what a mobile personal trainer can do for you.