Since 2007 PGPT has coached, what we call, time-poor Londoners whose success in business was to the detriment of their health and fitness… Business owners, executives, politicians and celebrities; we have trained them all, and importantly understand the challenges of their lifestyles. Part of this lifestyle is regular travel…
One of the pillars of our training programmes is consistency. If you have a diet and training habits that are 10% better than your old habits that you carryout consistently, you will see better results than dipping in and out of a programme with full bluster! However, travel is always an issue. So to combat this PGPT adapt to their clients schedule, providing training sessions via zoom, resources and plans for our clients to follow. This is why adapting to the pandemic guidance we now find ourselves living with has not been a huge leap for us.
The Importance of Consistent Training NOW
During this challenging time in our lives, It Is now more important than ever to ensure you optimise your overall wellness and resilience. So PGPT have rolled out tools and processes we have used with our clients for years to ensure we keep them accountable and serve their fitness requirements wherever they are on the globe.
Take the following images for example… On the left we have a client training in Saudi Arabia and on the right, Dubai!

We live in a digital world and we all must adapt.
As previously mentioned, one of the most important aspects of achieving optimised health & fitness is consistency, but another is knowledge. We ensure our clients are kept accountable with both training and nutrition, and create a bespoke programme that will ensure we achieve their personal goals through their understanding of why they are doing what they’re doing.
How Can I Be Trained Virtually?
Our virtual service is carried out across a number of technologies that have been used by PGPT for years to support clients while they travel; technologies such as Zoom, Whatsapp, and a private client account area of our website that allows us to track progress and implement programmes. And frankly this seems to suit some better!
Have You Just Given Up?
If the current global crisis has driven you to give up on your fitness consistency, or you are now possibly concerned about your own resilience, then it is time to introduce structure. There’s no point in waiting to get back into your commercial gym, because the bad habits you will have introduced into your life by then will leave you a mountain to climb to get out of them!
So the time is now! Don’t wait, ACT.
Remember that success comes from those willing to take action…
Are you ready to boost your immune system, gain back the fitness and energy you once had, and take control of your own levels of health and fitness? Contact us today about your complimentary consultation.