A holiday!
But how do we cope with the change of your workout and food routines while away?
I’m not perfect while away and I don’t claim to be. However I do take personal responsibility while away. I try and make the best out of the situation and always try and manage the “damage control”
Below, 4 steps you can take on board while away on your summer holiday.
1) Quick and easy wins every time.
Get yourself a routine that doesn’t eat into your day. Design a circuit that could be done in your room. You want to make it intense as its going to be body weight exercises. Saying this, no need to go over 15 minutes and you’re done for the day. The objective is intensity. What I like to do is choose 4 exercises each exercise lasting for 30 seconds. Once the 2 minutes are up. Take a 60 second recovery then repeat another 4 circuits. Examples of good body weight exercises where no equipment is required may be, burpees, squats jumps, push ups, plank.
2) Do it first thing in the morning
Guess what? If you say to yourself “its fine I’ll train after I sit at the pool”. IT WONT HAPPEN.
I like to give myself a day on day off routine. That way I know I’m doing 15 minutes every second day and it becomes a very realistic goa
3) Try and make your holidays active.
Yes I put my hand up… I love sitting by the pool on holiday. However, Shelly and myself will always try and stick a day trip in there so we are walking around, exploring a new city. I always think there can be time for both. Last year we went to Portugal for the summer and I found playing a round of golf was both relaxing and yet a nice level of exercise to do on a holiday.
And finally…

Sitting down to a well-deserved dinner after a day of activity.
4) Pace yourself at breakfast
The chances that you will eat out most nights while away is high. Therefore I always try and start the day off being very conservative for breakfast as I know I’m more likely to try 3 courses for dinner or order that bottle of red wine. You know the stuff in London you would normally pass up on because you have routine.
You have to look at a buffet as, “this is just another healthy breakfast” Just because you now have the option of waffles, eggs, cheese, toast, drinks etc. available doesn’t mean you need to sample it all. Bowl of fruit, coffee and poached eggs will suffice.
Follow these 4 steps on your holiday this year and I’m sure once back in London, the damage won’t be so significant.
Enjoy your break!!