Trash Talk and Food

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Mind Over Matter

Often eating is more about mental strength than anything. Cravings are just craving – we are not hungry! It’s a neurological signal.

People are always saying how hard it is to stick to a diet (at PGPT we don’t like using the word diet; it has a short-term connotation whilst it should be about long-term lifestyle). If the meal plan is right, then there should be no reason why we can’t stick to a diet. If calories are correct we should have the energy and if we are eating the right foods we shouldn’t be hungry. So why do so many people find it hard to stick to a diet? It’s not our body needing more food, so it must be psychological.

Diets are definitely about will power and determination. There are many mistakes that I have seen and experienced myself when it comes to diets and I am going to outline some of the main ones.

Could the way we talk about food be making us fat?

What not to do:

  1. Never say “I should not be eating this”. Creating negative thoughts about food can often lead to negative thinking which leads to giving up and eating more. Instead, enjoy what you are eating but eat it mindfully. No guilt, no plans to punish yourself the next day in the gym; this will only make you view exercise as a negative this.Never create a list of forbidden foods. Thinking that you can NEVER eat chocolate or enjoy a portion of chips is only going to make you want them more. If you know your daily energy expenditure and you are tracking your calories, there will be times when you can fit these foods into your day e.g. a small treat after dinner. There can always be space for a treat or your favourite food…just don’t exceed your calorie intake and don’t do it every day!
  2. Guilt and deprivation are two of the most powerful emotional triggers for eating. These emotions are often what yoyo dieters feel. Eating well does not have to mean eating bland boring foods. Fill your diet with lots of veg, create protein smoothies add spices to your meats and reach for garlic, herbs, and onions to add flavours. Food is both a necessity and for most an enjoyment, so make it nourishing as well as enjoyable.
  3. A lot of us say “I’ll start tomorrow or even Monday, but this type of mindset will leave you putting off your health for weeks or even months.
  4. “I was so bad today” or “I blew it”. A cheat meal or an indulgent dessert whilst out with friends or family does not wreck a whole week of hard work. In fact, a ‘cheat meal’ can be a good thing to keep your fat burning hormones awake during a lower calorie diet. We always tell our clients to draw a line and move on. There’s no point feeling bad about it.
  5. Long sustainable diets are not all or nothing. The 80:20 diet works well and allows you to have the freedom of socialising and enjoying yourself…if 80% of the time you keep on track!

[/cs_text][x_image type=”none” src=”https://pgpt.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/Mind-Over-Matter.jpg” alt=”” link=”false” href=”#” title=”” target=”” info=”none” info_place=”top” info_trigger=”hover” info_content=””][cs_text]I for one am guilty of doing or saying all of these things and it wasn’t until I changed the way I viewed a healthy eating plan that I actually was able to stick to it. Following a meal plan should not evoke feelings of misery and stress. Find something that is practical, realistic and most importantly achievable for the long game.[/cs_text][/cs_column][/cs_row][/cs_section][/cs_content]