Mobile Personal Training London
Imagine using the same commitment you have shown in your career or business, now in a Mobile Personal Training Programme that will improve all of the above issues and set your foundation for a better quality of life; a life with higher physical and mental performance!
How Much is Your Life Worth?
We firmly believe the current high pace and pressures of living in a city such as London are having such an effect on its residents that it will soon become a national crisis. This paired with the extraordinary pressures of running and growing a business or career does not end well.
We have therefore created a service for CEO’s and Senior Executives based in London that is born out of 15 years of working closely with, and training, this demographic.
We know exactly how you think, understand your time restraints and common physical ailments, typically caused by the stains of your position; our Holistic Training and Wellbeing Package will help and improve these and make you the most optimised version of yourself.
These should be the greatest years of your life.
Our Approach
The real unique benefit of PGPT is that we are a mobile personal training company in London that come to you. There are no extra membership fees, no queues for equipment and no need to work out with an audience; so no more excuses to avoid exercise. Find a time that is convenient for you and we will run your session wherever is most suitable; in your office, at home or in a local park; the choice is yours.

At PGPT, all of our London based mobile personal trainers believe that the greatest investment that anyone can make in life is in their own health and fitness. Think of how much happier, productive and active you could be with more energy resulting from a healthy, balanced diet and regular exercise. With the expertise, coaching and dedication of the trainers at PGPT, you can be confident that your investment in private personal training will pay off.
The only secret to getting results is commitment and determination to put the work in. There is no shortcut and no magic pill that will solve all your problems. If you follow the scientifically-backed programme set out for you by PGPT, then your body will respond positively and you’ll see the results you desire beginning to taking shape. You’ll feel stronger, you’ll feel fitter, and you’ll feel more confident in your appearance and your ability to change your life.
Training with PGPT is all about the results you achieve. During our first meeting, we will discuss your health and fitness background. You will be weighed, and your key measurements taken. This may sound daunting, but you’ll love it when we reach week six and do it again!
From that first meeting, we will work together to set and attain realistic goals. You will be given fitness testing, so we can record an accurate starting point and you will be able to track how far you’ve come in our regular assessments.
Our Blueprint
Like the strategies we create in business, we need to know and understand our start point and then where we’d like to get to. The requirements, both physical and general health, for every professional will be different and we want to create an achievable plan that gives you the most ‘BANG FOR YOUR BUCK’.
Generic workout and diet plans do not work for busy high achieving professionals.
As I previously said, we’re not looking to starve you; that’s not sustainable and you need your energy every day! We want to make a few ‘tweaks’ and insert some good habits, with more knowledge, so that your matabolism starts working better and faster! Start tracking Macros – Get this right and there’ll be no need for hours in the gym.
Just keep it simple; No need for food scales and tupperware.
Nobody wants to be skinny and weak. We’re not trying to simply help you lose weight, but instead trying to reduce your body fat % and in general – make you the most optimized version of yourself.
This is when the fire really starts burning. And it doesn’t involve hours in the gym.
At this point, we look at your energy and how motivated, calm and strong you feel. We want to get your brain firing and optimised to ensure you are jumping out of bed in the morning!
So what do we look at:
- Your NEAT (Non Exercise Active Thermogenic) 2. Review Sleep 3. Manipulate energy to always be firing. 4. Lifestyle Hacks and Swaps. 5. Hormone Adjustment