Congratulations go to this year’s winner of PGPT’s Client of the Year – Chris Slater!

At PGPT we believe hard work and sacrifice should be recognised and rewarded, and we are lucky to see the physical and mental rewards our fantastic clients achieve on a daily basis. None more so that this year’s Client of the Year, Chris.
Chris is a former athlete who is now head of an Australian financial company on the stock exchange. He’s a career man who had lost his athletic fitness levels he once showed in his 20s. Now 52 Chris was having major issues with his knee and was desperate to shift 20kg.
This is where the story gets interesting…
You see, our owner Pete knew Chris 24 years ago; As a fresh faced footballer playing in the State National League, Chris was Pete’s Captain at Brisbane City (while Pete warmed the bench as the reserve goalkeeper). Chris was the benchmark of what a captain, a leader should be… A winner, focused and professional.
When they started talking on Facebook Pete knew that PGPT could help.
In a recent interview, here is what Chris himself had to say about his journey:
What made you start your fitness journey with PGPT?
I have a bad knee and had been told my doctor to lose weight or risk a knee replacement. I initially ignored the advice and actually put more weight on! On January 31 last year I was in my shed moving a piece of equipment and my knee gave way; I decided then I needed to get serious about losing weight and as it happens Peter had contacted me a few weeks earlier. So I thought it made good sense and signed up.

How were you feeling before making the change?
I knew I was overweight and unfit. I was working crazy hours, eating too much and drinking too much. I was saying to Peter I want to lose 10kgs and think I’m 95kgs. When I weighed myself I was actually 101kgs. I was pretty embarrassed and just really let myself go. So health wise I wasn’t feeling great, and hurting the knee was a wakeup call.
What’s your routine look like now?
Right now I’m fighting hard to stay in the routine. I’m exercising every day, watching what I eat and made a decision not to drink at home anymore. My work is very social, so I still have a drink. However I’m a lot more careful on where, when and how much, and the discipline around food and choices is something I’m focused on. I’m enjoying being lighter, wearing smaller clothes and having a lot more energy!
What were 3 things about the programme with PGPT which helped you to change your lifestyle?
Right from day 1 Peter and the team were very clear that it was going to be tough. You can’t lose the weight without sacrifice, commitment and discipline, but also accepting things and choices you make need to be better. The tailored program around my life habits, my injury, and my food likes and dislikes was excellent; the accountability was massive! The first 5-6 weeks were incredibly tough. So the support, encouragement and sometimes motivation was great. I was very impressed the way the technology supported it all as well.

What would you say to anyone thinking about starting personal training with PGPT?
If you know you can do it, but need help then PGPT is perfect. My only advice would be to let go and trust the process; expect it’s going to be uncomfortable initially. If you follow the program the results are guaranteed. I’ve referred plenty of colleagues who have all signed up and lost heaps of weight. Initially It’s an investment, but actually it was the best investment I’ve ever made in myself!
Chris has been a complete pleasure to coach and our team have enjoyed working with him throughout his journey. So we all felt his dedication more than merited the title of PGPT Client of the Year!
Well done Chris – things are looking great and it’s time to reap the rewards!