How to Stick to your Fitness New Year’s Resolution

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Firstly – Happy 2018 from PGPT.

It is no secret we all wait for the start of a new year to make changes to our lives. December is often a social and less stressful month as businesses and schools wind down and people spend time seeing family and friends.

Now it is January and the fireworks mark the start of a “New You”. Whether your intentions be fitness, social or work related only 8-10% of people keep to their resolutions!

When it comes to your health and fitness there are a few ways to ensure that you are one of those that hit your goals.

1. Keep a Diary

There is nothing better than using a diary when it comes to succeeding in fitness goals. Here you can record your weight, food and how you have progressed with exercise. Tracking your journey can keep you motivated and using notes is great to see how you are progressing. It can also be used in a conventional way to diarise your upcoming sessions. This is a great tool and eliminates the chances of you missing or double-booking exercise sessions.

2. Know your Limits

Are you the type of person who’s made a general one-year plan to lose X amount by the end of the year, but never managed it? Has your focus wavered after a few weeks? If this sounds familiar, then you need a new strategy this year. Why not start by diarising 2 exercise sessions into your week and trying to replace your usual weekly lunchtime chocolate bar with a healthy snack. Once you have mastered these changes then you can start implementing more. Remember cutting out complete food groups isn’t sustainable, so try to look at cutting down on alcohol or sweets, or just having one day when you can indulge a little bit. It’s all about the journey to the end goal. Setting our sights too high can lead to negative thoughts, discourage us and ultimately lead to us ditching our quest for a healthier year.

3. Each Day is a New Day

It gets to Friday, a colleague is celebrating a birthday and you’ve had a bad week, cake is presented, and you have a slice…don’t get discouraged. Having a perfect diet and exercise routine is not always attainable. Remember that nobody is perfect, simply start again. Remind yourself about your goals and have a better day from that point. Losing the self-destruct trait is one of the keys to success.[/cs_text][x_image type=”none” src=”https://pgpt.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/PGPT-00917.jpg” alt=”” link=”false” href=”#” title=”” target=”” info=”none” info_place=”top” info_trigger=”hover” info_content=””][cs_text]

4. Don’t do it Alone

Doing things by yourself can make it harder on yourself. Our client’s will know that we advise that you have an Accountability Systems Bubble. By telling your friends, family and work colleagues about your journey allows them to support you, helping you to avoid bad food, or motivating you to exercise. The best outcome would be that someone embarks on your journey with you. Having someone to share in your joys and to get over your hurdles with is a great way to guarantee success. We have found that couple or friends who prioritise their health and fitness together are more likely to succeed.

5. Write them down

Why not write down your resolutions and goals. Having a visual reminder can often be helpful when keeping you on track and motivated. Keep them in a place that you (and you loved ones) can see them (we like the fridge). Once you have achieved some of the shorter-term goals cross them off, there’s nothing like a sense of achievement to keep you going.

A new year doesn’t have to mean a new you! But it’s a great marker to be an even better you! Follow my tips above and see how many of your resolutions or changes you can say you’ve kept by 2019!

I hope 2018 is everything you hope it to be!
